Achar Masala Instant Pack

Code: IP061 

Description: Atchar Masala Instant Pack 

Packaging : 1 kg

Recipe: 10 kg Green Mangoes

  1 kg Atchar Masala Instant Pack


  1. Cut the green mangoes into small pieces
  2. Add the spice pack to the mangoes and mix well.
  3. If you want to add cooking oil – cover the atchar with oil
  4. You can also add Paprika Oleoresin 80,000 CU to cooking oil on the following ratio: 1 Liter Paprika oleoresin to 1000 L cooking oil. This gives it the red popular colour.  
  5. ( The best oil to use is Sunflower oil and soya oil on a blend of the two. )


Our Atchar Masala, also known as Achar Masala or Achaar Masala is a blend of aromatic spices that have been mixed together providing you with an instant mix enough for 10kg green mangoes, perfect for starting your Atchar business.


Additional information

Weight N/A

1kg, 25kg